2018-03-03 - Of Death and Taxes

It's a weird feeling. For 30 plus years I have always saved. There was never any question that funds were never taken out of savings, only put in. Sometimes there was not much left over from expenses to put anything into savings, but money never came out. Those were the rules. That is all about to change.

I think a large part of my stress is not so much about money, but about the new way that money has to be thought of. Before I had to think about how much, if any, was left over to put in savings. Now I have to think about whether there will be enough money in my accounts to last until I die. That means you have to start estimating the time of your own death. A weird feeling indeed.

When will I die? All planning and assumptions of the future revolve around this unknown. Sure, in the past while saving up for retirement I had to make an educated guess at how much I would need in retirement. Sure, that number had some assumptions as to how long I would need my funds to last. But that was different. That was a way to look at a target retirement date. Now, I have to look at a target final day. Add in estimates about future health problems and you have a very morbid line of thought.